SGUARDI DAL MONDO. Prato, an intriguing place (di Loretta Baldassar)

Prato Storia e Arte n.124_125

I arrived in Prato exactly one decade ago, in 2009, and lived there with my family for the better part of four years. Since then, I have visited frequently, both for personal and work- related reasons. My eldest son, in particular, has developed a strong sense of connection with Prato and he wishes to return as often as possible. My husband, on the other hand has a more bittersweet relationship with the place. When arrived in Prato exactly one decade ago, in 2009, and lived there with my family for the better part of four years. Since then, I have visited frequently, both for personal and work- related reasons. My eldest son, in particular, has developed a strong sense of connection with Prato and he wishes to return as often as possible. My husband, on the other hand has a more bittersweet relationship with the place. When Daniela Toccafondi invited me to reflect on Prato today, ten years on from when I first arrived, I was cautiously enthusiastic.

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